Course Name: Language Arts
Course Description
In Grade 2 Language, students will explore the four units: writing, oral communication, reading, and media literacy. They will continue their journey to mastery of the English language.
Course Outline
Grade 2 Language Arts - Total Hours (158 Hours)
Unit One: Writing (40 hours)
In this unit, students will give appropriate examples of common and proper pronouns and use subject and object pronouns correctly in sentences. They will also draw a picture based on the proper sequencing of adjectives and reflect on the importance of adjectives to writing. Furthermore, they will study subjects, sentence types and punctuations. Finally, students will creatively create a comic strip to show their understanding of nouns, adjectives, and proper sentence structure (subject/predicate, sentence types, and punctuations).
Unit Two: Oral Communication (40 hours)
Students will use active listening strategies to understand and respond appropriately to the story Arthur’s Reading Race. They will also learn about facts vs. opinion, verbal communication and non-verbal communication. They will reflect on their listening skills and explain their areas for improvement. Lastly, students will participate in the project “drawing monsters” to demonstrate their understanding of the unit.
Unit Three: Reading (40 Hours)
Students will learn about the purpose of reading and explore active reading techniques. They will learn to identify parts of a fictional and non-fictional story, read how-to instructions, express their thoughts on different books, and prepare a book report. Lastly, they will do activities such as identifying and explaining the parts of the non-fiction text Sea Turtles and reflecting on their reading skills.
Unit Four: Media Literacy (38 Hours)
In this unit, students will present their thoughts and feelings towards commercials, discuss personal feelings about posting on social media and explain the importance of balancing one’s digital life.
Additionally, they will create a product that uses the techniques of advertising for children ages 7-9. Students will identify what information is safe or unsafe to share online and reflect on how digital citizens should care for their online communities. Students will explain the differences between social media and real life. Lastly, they will examine how media and advertising affect one’s feelings about themselves and discuss the relevance of the media text Francine’s Bad Hair Day.
Teaching Strategies
Using a variety of instructional strategies, the teacher will provide numerous opportunities for students to develop skills of inquiry, problem-solving, and communication as they investigate and learn fundamental concepts. The integration of critical thinking and critical inquiry skills will provide a powerful tool:
Interact in student-paced and instructor-paced interactive, engaging instructional lessons.
Understand the value of diversity in learning and society
Develop self-confidence and self-advocacy skills
Refine their existing compensatory strategies (reading strategies, writing strategies, listening strategies, study strategies, researching strategies, strategies for memory, organizational strategies, and time management strategies) for learning and develop additional strategies to help meet their potential as learners and use throughout the elementary grades.
Cultivate problem-solving skills to become independent learners.
Opportunities to learn in various ways- individually, cooperatively, independently, with teacher direction, hands-on experiences, and through examples followed by practice.
Accomplish prompts on interactive lessons; students can reflect on different texts. In addition, constant communication with teachers ensures that the students understand complex topics and apply them in their writing. They can also accomplish other tasks using animations, videos, discussion forums, live chat, and other interactive objects.
The course relies on the help of a teacher to support young learners through the lessons. The teacher will be working on facilitating the course content and participating in discussions to support students in developing communication skills.